Umar Subhan

Your Trusted Ghostwriter

How to Turn Your Followers Into High Ticket Clients…
…Using the World’s Most Powerful Marketing Tool

All influencers have a problem.Yes, you’ve got followers…you have hundreds or even thousands of people visiting your socials…but how do you turn those people into actual MONEY. More specifically, how do you convert them into high ticket clients?This is a problem which every influencer faces, but there’s a simple and elegant solution:What am I talking about?Email!In case you don’t know, email is one of the most powerful marketing tools ever created.There are a few reasons why:1) Everyone has an email account. In fact, did you know that 89.45% of Americans over the age of 15 use email?2) Not only that, according to the latest stats, 88% of people check their inboxes at least once a day. What’s more, 39% of people actually refresh their email up to five times a day.What this means is that your messages are almost guaranteed to be seen and read.There’s only one problem.What do you send to your email list?!This is where most influencers get it wrong.They focus way too much on promoting themselves or promoting products.But this is actually the last thing you want to do.So, what’s the solution?The solution is EDUCATING your subscribers.And the best way to do this is with:A 7 Day Educational Email CourseThere are a few reasons why this works so well.First, a course like this gives people a reason to subscribe and join your email list. In marketing terminology, this is known as a lead magnet. Second, it sets up expectations. People know exactly what they are getting. Third, it gives you a chance to educate your subscribers…and…demonstrate your ability to solve their problems.And once that’s done…promoting products is 100% easier.Bottom line:These courses are the best way to turn followers into high ticket clients.And here’s one more thing you need to understand:An email list is one of the most powerful assets you can possess as an influencer. With a list you can sell your own products, sell other people’s products, or even sell ad space. Yes, whenever you need money, all you have to do is send an email…it’s really that simple.Ultimately, this is an asset which can pay dividends for years to come.Yes, with an email list it’s possible to generate 4 or 5 figures a month.But it all starts with your 7 day educational email course.If you’d like to consult with me…and…learn how to grow your business with a 7 day educational email course, then hit the button below, fill out the application form, and I’ll get back to you right away.